Star Trek Slot Machine Medals Rank

Compiled by Cameron Silver
Version 1.D (12/Sep/1994) [Happy birthday Adam!]

Licensee will maintain the IGT Gaming Machines in good working order and in accordance with the manufacturing specifications and shall only use Advertising and Promotional Materials that are of high quality and of such style and appearance as is reasonably necessary to maintain the substantial goodwill of IGT and any applicable third party.

Extra Special thanks to:

  • Josh Holmes
  • Richard Rhodes
  • Dave Hollinsworth
  • Greg Dunlap
  • Mikey
  • David Arnold
  • Lyman Sheats
  • Jonathan Deitch
  • David Smith
  • Mark Phaedrus
  • Louis Koziarz
  • Steve Baumgarten
  • Brian Dust
  • Kevin Martin
  • Dave Peller
  • Bowen P Kerins
  • Adam Frey
  • Keith Johnson
  • Floyd Maxwell
  • J. Abernethy
  • Brian Dominy
  • Alan Mitsugi
  • Karl Brostr|m
  • Brian Dominy
  • Michael R. Dunn
  • Jeffrey Shneidman
  • Richard Horrocks
  • Aaron

If you have a spare STTNG machine lying around, E-mail me for my postaladdress!

New to this version:

  • More info about the guns added to the playfield description.
  • Light Lock vs Holodeck plunger choice corrected.
  • Stubborn timer during Factor Nine mode explained.
  • New Section: Attract Mode Stuff.
  • New Section: Extra Ball Strategies.
  • Battle/Shuttle Simulation extra balls have a new kink :-(
  • Another occurrence of the Limo found.
  • Super Spinner timing explained in The Spinner section.
  • _Extremely_ cool Easter Egg added. No, NOT the secret video mode..
  • Time Rift artifact _finally_ explained in Artifacts. (Really).
  • Special at 50 Shuttles added. ;-)

Star Trek: The Next Generation (STTNG), multiball, and anything related topinball or the series is most probably copyright by somebody, so watch thatyou're not sued.

Note: TAF is The Addams Family, IJ is Indiana Jones, JD is Judge Dredd,T2 is Terminator 2, HSII is High Speed 2 (or The Getaway), TZ is theTwilight Zone, and STTNG is an amazingly cool game.

The best comment about this game would have to be from Steve Baumgarten: Thisgame makes TZ look like a '60s Gottlieb in terms of rule complexity!

A Note On ROMs

These rules are getting quite messy because there are so many ROMs, all ofwhich differ in important ways; sorry if some of it is confusing. Most of theexplanations cater for 'newer ROMs' with notes describing 'older ROMs'. As tothe definition of new and old ROMs, well it's just a rough guide to explaindifferences you may experience between various machines. I intentionally leftout actual ROM numbers because it would make things just too complicated.

Playfield Description

I'm starting from the Left in/out lanes, and going the long way round to theright

Left Outlane
Has a kickback. The actual outlane is a bit of a scoop becauseof this, but I found the kickback was really easy to light.
Left Inlane
Starts Hurry Up on the right orbit (like Terminator 2 (T2)).'Light Hurry Up' is lit by getting to warp factor 6. The one thing I missedwas the 'Return Lanes Lit' noise from T2 .. I liked this a lot! The inlaneshave no roll-over switches, but they do have proximity switches. Don'tworry if you don't know what a Proximity switch is, just rest assured thatthe machine does know when a ball goes down an inlane. I have addedJonathan's excellent description of how Proximity switches work, if youwant to know more.
Finally there is a rule-sheet that doesn't say 'The usual type ofslings'! These slings are definitely not usual. They are similar to thenormal ones in that they try to bounce the ball to the opposite outlane,but they are different in that each sling has a large gun on it. The gunsare used to fire at different things (see below). The shape of the slingsis different too; they are no longer triangular, but quadrilateral. Yes,they have four sides - except the top side is angled so that the ball isfeed to the in/out lane area. The ball usually chooses the outlane as itsdestination, and the rubberless posts don't exactly make saving fun. If thein/out divider was made a little longer, it would be perfect. Are youlistening Williams?
Two Probe Launchers sit above each sling shot. The launches can swingout to shoot the ball into various shots, and break all the playfieldplastics. The guns are big, and plastic - yet they look good too. Excellentjob Steve, I must say. If a ball happens to land in a gun when it's notmeant to (i.e.: air-ball), the machine will let you launch a probe; all ofthe usual awards are available too. If the ball is in a gun, but the playerdoesn't shoot the ball, after a while the machine will announce 'Pulltrigger to launch ball'. It will then immediately kick the ball out itself.This rule sheet refers to the guns as cannons, launchers and guns - theyall mean the same thing, so don't get confused!
Left Targets
Three yellow stand-up targets in the same place as the leftones on The Getaway (HSII). They are used to light the kickback and otherthings during the game. To relight the kickback, just hit the one targetthat's lit. I told you it was easy!. These targets are used to increasethe Ferengi Jackpot when that multiball is running. There is no direct shotfrom the flippers to the lowest target, which really sucks. Even when thekick back is lit, one of these targets will be lit; hit it to spot a roll-over lane [above the bumpers].
The left orbit is similar to Fish Tales. The spinners value isincreased by 1000 (maxing at 30,000) by the Time Rift targets (in normalplay). The spinner is lit to increase warps by the right inlane, orshooting the orbit when it's not lit. It remains lit for about 10 seconds.You are only credited a warp factor or emblem shot if the ball comes out ofthe right orbit, if it falls in the bumpers then the shot is incomplete.The spinner can also be lit for Super Spinner, that is 10 million a spin.See Warp factors, and The Spinner for more details.
Time Rift targets
Two red stand-ups between the Spinner lane and the leftramp. Used during the Time Rift mode, (Naturally: more later). Duringnormal play, the targets add 1000 to the spinner value up to a max of2500.
Delta Quadrant
Left (or side) ramp very similar to the multiplier ramp in Dr.Who. This ramp is accessible by the full length upper right flipper. (Whydo so many games have upper right flippers?) The ramp normally divertsballs to a habitrail that crosses the playfield and goes to the rightinlane. Undiverted balls go to the Borg ship to be locked, or for 3xJackpot. Warp factors can also be increased here, whether or not the ballis diverted.
Command Decision
Small sink hole next to the left ramp. Similar to the trainwreck in TAF (The Addams Family). When lit it lets you choose which modeyou want to start next - you can even rerun modes you've already played;the number of reruns is operator adjustable from 1, never or unlimited.This can also be lit to Advance Rank, see more in the Advance Rank section.
Neutral Zone
Similar, in position, to the left orbit on Twilight Zone. Thisconsists of three stand-up targets, with a hole in front of the third.Three lights can point to either target, or the hole. It is used to startone of three really cool rounds. The weird thing about this is that thereis no sensor in the actual hole, but rather the stand-up target behind it.Sometimes the ball just needs to hit one of the targets, and sometimes ithas to hit a target, then fall into the hole. Most times the ball goes intothe hole, it hits one of the targets, however if the ball just plops intothe hole, the machine will credit a Command Decision shot. This is goodsometimes, bad other times. On the other hand, if the ball hits some NZtargets then falls into Command Decision, the machine will credit a NZ hit.Why they did this, I don't know. I have made it clear whether the ball hasto fall in the hole, or just hit a target - if hitting a target is allthat's necessary, it's ok if the ball falls in the hole too. Lock at the NZcan be lit by lighting the NZ for one of it's multiballs - completing theround, then lighting the NZ again.
Alpha Quadrant
Center ramp, in a similar position to the Left ramp on TZ.This feeds balls to the left inlane, and is used during some rounds.
Start Mission
A sink-hole like the Slot Machine in TZ, but in the centre/backof the playfield. Hard from the right flipper, but easier from the left. Itis also used for the multiball jackpot, extra ball and a few other thingsthat will become clear soon.
Borg Ship
Sitting above the center ramp, and the Start Mission hole is afull-on model of the Borg ship. It looks really cool, as it's well lit, andlooks fantastic at the start of multiball. The left ramp can feed ballsinto the ship, but be warned, they get shot back out towards the flippers -(like the Raptor pit in Jurassic Park), except that the balls start out inthe air! (This only happens at the start of multiball, or after a 3xjackpot. Balls are normally diverted off the ramp.)
Three bumpers in the top right corner of the playfield. The bumpershave 3 lanes at the top that are used to increase bonus multiplier (10xlights extra ball), very similar to T2. Balls put up the right orbitusually end up in the bumpers, and weak shots up the spinner lane also endup here. Bumpers advance the currently lit mode, and increase the BorgJackpot. Completing the roll-over lanes when bonus is at 10x, will awardan increasing 10 million.

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Q target
A solitary stand-up below the left-most bumper. It advances the nextlit mode, and is used during the mode: Q's Challenge.
Beta Quadrant
Called the Shuttle Ramp, it's the right ramp which is like ashorter version of the one in T2 - yet it's very similar in shape to thelower right ramp in Dr. Who. It is a counter for extra balls, and lightingother things like the Holodeck and Command Decision. There is also aSpecial award at 50 Shuttles. It is supposed to give another special at 250Shuttles, but it doesn't because of a bug.

Awards are:
Holodeck : 3,9,21,27,33,39,51,57,63,69,81,87,93,99
Command Decision : 6,12,18,24,36,42,48,54,66,72,78,84,96
Extra Ball : 15,30,45,60,75,90

2x Shuttle
Two red stand-ups on each side of the entrance to the BetaQuadrant (like the Lite Lock targets on White Water). When hit, theystart to flash, and remain this way for about 10 seconds. The targetswork independently; if you hit the ramp with one flashing, you get2 ramps (like 2x Bear Kicks on TAF), and if you hit the ramp with bothflashing, you get 4 ramps.
Right Orbit
This is the Hurry Up, Holodeck, lock, and light lock shots. It'ssimilar to Dracula in that at the top there is a drop target, followed by asink-hole. When the target is up (most of the time) the ball will bouncearound and go into a bonus multiplier lane to the bumpers. Launched ballsget shot right up this orbit and into the hole, thus it's imperative thatthe launcher doesn't get weak.
Upper Right Flipper
Full length that is used to shoot the left ramp, thecommand decision sink-hole, and can be used to shoot the Neutral Zone too.
Right Targets
Three yellow stand-up targets in the same place as the rightones on The Getaway (HSII). They are used to light the kickback and otherthings during the game. To relight the kickback, just hit the one targetthat's lit. <I told you it was easy!>. These are labeled KlingonAssistance, and are lit during Romulan Multiball. See Romulan Multiball inthe Neutral Zone for a lovely description of what they do. Even when thekick back is lit, one of these targets will be lit; hit it to spot amultiplier lane [above the bumpers].
Right Inlane
When lit (at warp factor 6) will start Super Spinner. A coolround that lights the spinner for 10 million a spin for a while. [Note:Newer ROMs provide the option to disable Super Spinner.] The inlane willalways light the left orbit to increase warp factors. See The Spinner forfor info regarding Super Spinner.


There are seven missions, and an eighth 'Final Frontier' is started when theothers are completed. The modes aren't really that repetitive, no wherenear as bad as Indi. The good thing is that every shot has a STTNG emblemat the entrance that lights when the shot needs to be hit. [Be aware: Theemblem for Command Decision is obscured.]

Totals from each mode are added to your score immediately, not during the bonuscount.

The lit mode is advanced by the bumpers, and the Q target.

Time Rift
Timer starts at 20 seconds. You have all shots lit, shoot them for10 million each. The Time Rift targets add 5 seconds to the time (although,some people say 10 seconds, while others say 1-3. I blame ROMs), 5 Millionto the payout, and a quote (see below). Increasing payout value only works3 times, but the time can be increased as many times as you wish. It mayalso be the case on some ROMs that the Time Rift targets reset the timer to24 seconds.

Target Quotes:
Troi, 'We have gone back in time.'
Geordi, 'Captain, the computer is malfunctioning'
Beverly (?), 'Something's happening...'
Riker, 'Here we go again...'

Start Quote:
Worf, 'Sensors are picking up a distortion in the space-timecontinuum'

Worm Hole
Timer starts at 20 seconds, payout value starts at 30 million.The right ramp adds 10 million to the value, the spinner adds 1 milliona spin. Left ramp collects value and ends the mission.

Start Quote:
Riker, 'Hold on tight, this could get rough.'

Picard, 'Steady as she goes.'

Failure quote:
'What is our exact location?' to which Data answers,'Unknown, sir.'

Search the Galaxy
This was a great round, with excellent quotes. Timer startsat 40 seconds, and you are told by Riker to plot a course for the AlphaQuadrant. Shoot the center ramp for 10 million, Picard will say 'BeyondBelief', 'Excellent', or 'Brilliant' - There are probably more. You willnow be told to plot a course to the Beta Quadrant - shoot the right rampfor 20 million. Now you'll be told to plot a course for the Delta quadrant,and (you guessed it), shoot the left ramp for 30 million. If you do it inorder, you'll be told to shoot the Gamma Quadrant, which is the NeutralZone (target), for 50 million. One artifact for any 3 ramps, a secondartifact if the order is correct and you shoot the NZ. Older ROMs score 10million per ramp only.

Start Quote:
None, you are just told to shoot the Alpha Quadrant.

Battle Simulation
Another favorite of mine. The timer starts at 20 seconds,shoot any hole (right orbit, Start Mission, Neutral Zone, or CommandDecision) to load a launcher. The launcher will swing out, and you have topull the trigger to launch the ball into Start Mission or the Neutral Zone.Note that the timer stops while the guns are loaded; so if you make quite afew successful shots, then miss, you have quite a while to get back intothe swing of things! You start at level 1, and each successful shot willadvance you one level. Each level is worth 10 times in millions (ie: level3 is worth 30 million), and Level 6 is the last level, worth 100 Million,often awarding Extra Ball if you get it. When you shoot from the rightcannon (into the Neutral Zone) you don't have to get that ball into thehole, just hitting one of the targets is enough - although getting it inthe hole is a bonus, as the left launcher will be loaded. Excellentanimation, especially during level 6.

During the round, Picard's best complement is 'Fantasssssstic!'

Q's Challenge
Some shots will be lit, when you hit one shot it will bereplaced by another one. The Q target adds a new shot. The first shot is10 Million, then 20 million, then 30 etc - maxes at 100 million. There isno fixed timer for this round. Each shot times-out after about 10-15seconds if it's not hit. The mode ends when all shots time-out. This modecontinues during factor 9 mode, and multiball, but the shots don't timeout.

Start Quotes:
Q, 'Bonjour mon capitaan!'
Picard, 'Q, what are you doing here?'
Q, 'Why don't we play a little game?'
Riker, 'Q ... we don't have time for your games.'

Q, 'OK that's enough.', 'Now try this!', 'Not bad; not bad atall.', 'That was too easy.'. For some of the best quotes, drainduring this round.

You have 30 seconds to rescue 50 people. Each time a switch closes,another person is added to the shuttle - so the bumpers would be the bestplace for the ball. Shooting one of the two ramps (center or right) thenrescues the people in the shuttle. Shooting Start Mission rescues 5 people,regardless of the contents of the shuttles. You get 5M for starting themode, 1M for loading someone into a shuttle, 1M for saving anyone, 2M ifsaved via transporter, and 50M for rescuing all 50 people.

Start Quote:
Computer, 'Evacuate all personnel.' But the best one is when thecomputer says, 'Board the shuttle as quickly as possible.'

Asteroid Threat
20 Million counts down. Start Mission collects value andstops the timer, all shots light to recollect the same value. You can onlyhit each shot once. Once the 20 million reaches 5 million, youautomatically start the second part with all shots worth 5 million. Thereis 30 seconds to hit all seven shots - if you do it you get 50 million. Ifyou get Start Mission just as the asteroid is blowing up, you get creditfor it in the get-all-seven-shots part, but the shot remains lit.

Start Quotes:
Picard, 'Suggestions?'
Data, 'We could destroy the asteroids in our path, sir.'
Picard, 'Make it so.'

Picard, 'Evasive maneuvers.', 'Steady as she goes.'

Final Frontier
This is yet another six ball multiball - Note that the gunsare loaded at the start of this round, if you do nothing the machine willkick the balls out itself. The only reason it loads the guns is becauseit has to get the balls out somehow. Every shot will be lit (like in TimeRift) and when any of them are hit, you get an obscene amount of points.The amount of points is determined by the amount of Artifacts you have - tofind out how to get Artifacts, see the section 'Artifacts' in this rulesheet. At first you will be awarded 100M for each Artifact you have, aswell as this, each shot is worth 25M * number of Artifacts. (If you haveNO artifacts, each shot will be worth 10 million. [I took the glass off,I'm not that bad!]) You will also be awarded a billion for each set of 4artifacts you have (if you have 2 of each artifact, you get 2 Billion).Some ROMs max out at 100M per shot, even if you have more than 4 artifacts;newer ROMs max out at 250M and you can have a maximum of 10 sets ofartifacts (40 artifacts total).

Note: Older ROMs are slightly different. Every shot is worth a flat 50M,regardless of how many artifacts you have, and you don't get any bonuses.If you encounter a machine like this, try and push for a ROM upgrade.

Artifacts are collected during the game and are used for the Final Frontierround. Each artifact is worth 50 million, and the computer will tell you whenyou have collected one. See 'Final Frontier', under 'Missions' for informationon how Artifacts are used. You can collect each artifact more than once.

Artifacts are: Singing Stone, Isolinear Chip, Diranium Sphere, and Dilithium Crystal

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Artifacts can be collected:

Battle Simulation
Completion of level 5 awards an Artifact.
Search the Galaxy
If you hit the three ramps (any order) you get anartifact; if you do them in order then get the NZ, you get a secondartifact.
Worm Hole
Shoot the Delta quadrant for an Artifact.
Any combination of 25 people rescued or sitting in the shuttle.
Shuttle Simulation
The ninth cavern contains an Artifact.
Asteroid Threat
After three shots have been hit.
Time Rift
Averages on five shots. [There is a bug in the software!]
Q's Challenge
Making 5 shots awards an artifact.
Warp Factor 8
Awards an artifact if it is not the first time at factor 8,or extra balls are disabled.

Plunger Choices
While waiting for the player to launch the ball, the display shows 5 choiceswhich light up alternatively. Launch the ball when the one you want is lit.You can speed this up with the flipper buttons, an excellent feature. Theball is normally plunged into the hole at the top of the right orbit, butif it doesn't make it, there is no software compensation - so you'll haveto really start hassling techs to get them to fix problems with the plungeror drop target. Plunger choices are:

Start Mission
The ball will be launched into the sinkhole, and theflashing mission will start.
Flipper Skill Shot
The ball gets launched into the sink-hole at thetop of the right orbit, and the display tells you to shoot theright ramp, and what you'll get. The ball gets popped to the leftflipper. The awards I've seen are: extra ball, Special, 10million, Hold Multipliers, Advance Rank, Light Extra Ball, WarpFactor x, Advance in Rank, Double Spinner and Light Kickback.
Launch Probe
The ball goes into the sink-hole and a launcher isloaded. A shot will be lit (ramp/sink-hole etc) and if you get thethe shot, you are told your award (similar to the flipper skillshot awards). If you miss, you hear Data say 'The probe hasdiscovered nothing, sir.'. The funniest was when I got 25 MilData said 'The probe has discovered big points!' Note: When theright ramp is lit, you only need to trigger the gate at theentrance. If the left orbit is lit, you only need to trigger thespinner.
Light Lock
Lights, and locks the ball. You can only use this twiceper multiball, the third time it is replaced by Light Holodeck. Iflock is lit at the start of a ball, Light Holodeck will lock theball. The number of locks allowed before Light Holodeck replacesit, is operator adjustable. If the game is set for 5 balls, lockcan only be chosen once. Then it becomes Multiplier (advancemultiplier).
Warp factor 4
Starts you off at Warp factor 4. See the section onwarp factor for more detail. If you have already been at warp 9,this will be Warp Factor 2.

Warp Factors
This is a great feature. Every ball starts at Warp 1 (unless you start atanother Warp because a plunger choice, or flipper skill shot). The right inlanewill light the spinner to increase warp. A shot to the spinner will also lightit for advance warp. (Note: Warps are only advanced if the ball goes rightaround the left orbit - past the bumpers. If the ball dribbles into themultiplier lanes, you will not be credited.) The left ramp will always increasewarp value unless you have been to warp 9. Each factor has it's own award:

factor 2 Awards 5 million.
factor 3 Sets jets at 1 Million-a-pop for the rest of the ball.
factor 4 'Spinner' is lit.
factor 5 'Multipliers Held' is lit.
factor 6 Return lanes lit.
factor 7 Double spinner.
factor 8 Awards extra ball the first time, then an artifact. [If extra balls are disabled, it always awards an artifact.]
factor 9 Start Factor 9 mode. (See below)

Factor Nine Mode
This is great. Each shot to the spinner or left ramp increases the warp factorby .1. (You can always use the left ramp during factor 9 mode.) The firstshot (to get it to 9.1) is worth 20 million, 9.2 awards 25m, 9.3 awards 30mand so on until 9.9 which is worth 60 million. You have 10 seconds to makeeach shot (which Geordi counts down), but it is quite hard. For somestrange reason, you are given 20 seconds to make the last shot (warp 9.9);although there is the cool quote 'Warp-drive failure in 15 seconds' fromGeordi. [NOTE: The timer does not stop at all during this round, so don'tlock a ball, or shoot a sinkhole. No other timer behaves in this manner.]

Once you have finished Factor 9 mode, (after the time runs out, or when youreach factor 9.9), you return to factor 1. It is no longer possible to usethe left ramp to increase warp factors (but you can still use it in factor9 modes), and the plunger choice changes to Warp Factor 2. Older ROMs willcontinue to award the last value collected for the rest of the ball and thenext ball will start at factor 1.

The sound during this is fantastic, a really low rumbling-hum!

As you build up the warp factor Picard says, 'Prepare forMAXimum acceleration.'. I would have loved it if they got Picardto say 'Lets open this baby up, and see what she can do!'

Neutral Zone
Hit the Neutral Zone three times to light it [Note: The ball doesn't have tofall into the hole to register a hit. Just as long as one of the three targetsare hit]. Once this is done, all three lights will flash. Shoot the NZ (thehole) again, and one of three modes will start:

The right cannon will be loaded. If you shoot the NZ (targets),another ball will be put into play. The NZ remains lit for 10seconds to add balls (up to 4 balls can be added). If a balldrains, shoot the NZ again to get another. If the initial shot(from the right cannon) misses the NZ, you still have the NZ litfor 10 seconds to add balls. It's just like playing a one ballmultiball. Older ROMs are different: The mode starts off as atwo ball multiball if you miss the NZ, and three ball if you hitthe NZ, it's just one ball more than the new version really.Regardless of the ROMs, the jackpot (Start Mission hole) is 10million * balls in play, and any of the yellow stand-up targets (onthe left) add 2 million to the jackpot. Ends when less than 2 ballsremain in play.

Start Quote:
Ferengi, 'Captain, our ship is disabled, we need DiraniumSpheres, now. ... We need them NOW!'

During :
Ferengi, 'More Please', 'Thank-you'. Cool.

Three shots will be lit, (spinner, alpha ramp and beta ramp) whichcorrespond to the three Romulan ships on the display. When a shotis hit, the ship on the display cloaks (disappears) - and isreplaced by a timer. If the timer expires then the shot relights.The mode ends if you can cloak all ships simultaneously. Eachcloaked shot is worth 10M, and the round lasts 40 seconds. Hitting'Klingon Assistance' puts a Klingon ship up on the left or rightside of the display, replacing the Romulan ship there. Thisdoesn't give you the points for that ship, but it does lock thatshot out of the mode, so you don't have to worry about it timingout and returning like it might if you actually shoot it. KlingonAssistance doesn't work on the center ship, though.

Cloaking all ships is worth 30 million.

Start Quotes:
Worf, 'Sir, the Romulan's are hailing us.'
Picard, 'On screen.'
Romulan, 'We are conducting military exercises, it would bewise to change course immediately.'
Picard, 'Fire a warning shot.'

This is a complex 2 ball multiball. The jackpot (at the NeutralZone targets) starts at 50 million, however the Enterprise isbeing shot at. The lower the shields, the lower the jackpot -right down to 5 Million when the shields are 0%. Shoot thespinner to increase shield strength (and thus, the jackpotvalue).

Shield status versus Jackpot value:

Shields at 100% 50 Million
Shields at 83% 30 Million
Shields at 50% 25 Million
Shields at 37% 20 Million
Shields at 25% 15 Million
Shields at 12% 10 Million
Shields at 0% 5 Million

Start Quotes:
Worf, 'Sir, the Cardassians are hailing us.'
Picard, 'On screen.'
Cardassian, 'Leave this territory, or be destroyed'


Picard, 'Let's try a friendly settlement.'
Cardassian, 'Here's your settlement, Picard!'


Picard, 'Let's be diplomatic about this.'

Hurry Up
Like T2. It is lit at warp factor 6 and started by the left return lane. 50million counts down to 10 Million, shoot the right orbit to collect. Nicetaunting quotes too! When it's started, the Computer says 'Hurry Up,activated.' - cool.

Riker, 'NOW'.

Star Trek Slot Machine Medals Rankings

This is lit by right ramps (First at 3 then 9..) or skill shot. Once lit, ashot to the right orbit will let you choose 25 million, or Shuttle Simulation.These are the only choices. (Hold the trigger in, and hit the right flipperbutton to play poker with Riker!)

25 Million
Self explanatory (Note: older ROMs are 10 million)
Shuttle Simulation
A hard video mode similar to escape in the mine cart onIndi. The shuttle is traveling down a tunnel, fast. It starts off inthe center, and the flipper buttons can move it left or right or back tothe center, (Like HSII video mode). There are awards that appear (10 Mil)in the center, and obstacles (that appear anywhere) that you must avoidAt times the tunnel divides into 2 and if you're in the wrong place,you quickly become acquainted with the wall. The animation is reallyquick, but the layout doesn't change. You are awarded 1 million percavern, and there are 10 caverns. In the ninth is an Artifact that youmust run into for 50 million. There is a cavern counter in the top rightof the screen. It really gets easier the more you play it, stick to theside, as this is the safest place to be when it divides. The trickis not just survival, but picking the right way to go. Most of the timethe caverns divide, one way will have 30 million (three 10 millions) andthe other way will have only one 10 million. The point remains that thesimulation never changes - Williams should have designed it to make aentire new cavern system every time the high-scores reset. There is anextra ball in there too. It has been found that:L-L-R-R-L-L-R-L-L-L- (L= Left, R= Right) awards 10M - 10M - 0M - 30M -30M - 30M - 0M -10M or Extra Ball - 30M - artifact for a total of159M + artifact (10 million less if you got the EB). You will NOT get theextra ball if you have gotten one that game already, and eventuallyduring that run of credits, it'll stop giving extra ball permanently. Thismay not be true for earlier ROMs.

All modes except for Q's challenge stop during Multiball, but continue againafter. (Q shots don't even time out!)

Lock can be lit by shooting the right orbit (if you didn't light it when youlaunched the ball). Lock balls in the right orbit, or left ramp. You can also lock balls in the NZ by lighting the NZ for one of it's multiballs, completingthe round, then lighting the NZ again. You get 10 million for locking a ball, apretty animation and a quote (see below for the quotes/animations). When youlock the third ball, the playfield goes dark, except for the Borg ship, whichlooks spectacular the way it's lit.

The left cannon will be loaded, fire the ball into Start Mission to raise thejackpot by 10 million, and be awarded the value. The cannon will be loadedagain, shoot Start Mission to increase the base value by another 10 million,and get double jackpot. The cannon will be loaded a third time, shoot StartMission to add yet another 10 million to the base value, and get a very nicetriple jackpot. At this point (or if you miss any of the three jackpots),multiball begins.

At the start of the game the base jackpot value is 20 million, this isincreased by the bumpers (even during multiball). The base value also goes upby 10 million at the start of multiball for each successful shot from the leftcannon. During multiball, jackpots can be collected from Start Mission, andtriple jackpots can be collected from the left ramp. The Start Mission jackpotscycle through single, double and triple.

Multiball isn't really three balls in a pinball machine, but rather theEnterprise in battle with the Borg. The object is to destroy the Borg ship,while keeping the Enterprise in one piece. As the Borg fire on us, theshields are being lowered. When they reach zero, the jackpot becomes unlit.(You can still get 3x on the left ramp though.) Shoot the spinner to relightjackpot. The harder the spinner is hit, the longer it will be before you needto do it again. Subsequent multiballs unlight the jackpot more often. You canshoot the spinner earlier if you like, to stop the shields from lowering; Worfwill keep you informed on shield status, 'The shields are at 50% power.', ifyou shoot the spinner now, the shields will be raised again. Note: UnlikeCardassian multiball, the jackpot value does not change with the condition ofthe shields. When the shields fail (the jackpot turns off) you hear Geordiannounce that 'All shields are down.' followed by a really cool 'binging'sound that somehow gets the attention of the whole arcade.

On older ROMs, the jackpot is always lit. Don't get confused though, as youstill hear comments regarding the status of the shields, it just shouldn'tconcern you!

Lock 1: Admiral 'Enterprise, the Borg have entered Federation Space.Intercept IMMEDIATELY! Admiral Biagie out.' The display shows theAdmiral talking - well synchronized with the sound.

Lock 2: Worf 'Sir, a strange object is dead ahead.'
Picard 'On screen.'
The display shows a miniature Borg ship.
Picard 'Magnify.'
The ship on the display become full-screen.

Lock 3: Borg 'If you do not surrender, we will destroy your ship.'
The display show a bunch of Borg.
Picard 'We will never surrender.'
Riker 'Battle stations; ready weapons' - with red-alert sirens etc.
Picard 'Load phasers ... Fire when ready!'

or Lock 3: Picard 'Send to Starfleet; we have engaged the Borg.'

During Multiball: Borg 'You will assimilate' and 'Resistance is futile'.There is also lots of conversation regarding the state ofthe shields, and the ship in general.

The ramps behave the same was as they do in T2, except it's called ExplosiveMillions and it only involves the Center and Right ramps. For successive rampshots, you are awarded 5-10-20-30 to 50 million. The bad thing is that afterone ramp is hit, both are lit to collect the millions. It is possible to justkeep hitting one ramp, I STILL hope this is changed.

Completing the bonus Multiplier lanes lights Advance Rank at CommandDecision.

Ranks: Ensign Lieutenant Lieutenant Commander CommanderCaptain.
worth: 5M 10M 15 Million 20M 25M
Star trek slot machine medals rankings

If you are captain, and shot Command Decision (when lit for Advance Rank) youwill get 100 million. The values listed above are awarded during the bonuscount (note: 100 Millions are awarded instantly). How cool having somethingthat just adds to your bonus.

There is only really one combo in this game, but it's so amazingly cool, Idecided to give it a whole section! The Picard Maneuver is the left orbit, leftramp combo and get good at it!

  • Builds Warp factors. The first time to factor 9, this combo increaseswarp factor by 2. (As long as the left orbit is lit to advance warp.)
  • Always adds .2 during factor 9 mode.
  • Awards triple jackpot. It seems that the ramp is much easier to hit afterthe left orbit shot.
  • Awards the Picard Maneuver after you have been to warp 9. I don't thinkit awards any points, but the display shows the famous shot of theEnterprise hooning off into space, while Riker says: 'The PicardManeuver! Nicely done.'

The Spinner
Get good at hitting the spinner:

  • Factor 4 lights 'Spinner' for 100 times the current value per spin
  • When the right inlane is lit for superpinner, a ball through that inlanewill start the timed period of 10 million a spin. The Super Spinner lightin the inlane indicates the remaining time (it flashes faster as time goeson), rolling through the inlane again re-sets the timer. It seems thatafter about 5 resets, it begins to time out quicker. Also, if you startWarp 9 mode when Super Spinner is timing-out, the Super Spinner will resetcompletely, that is, the S.S. light will be lit solidly -- no timer untilthe inlane is hit again. Newer ROMs provide an option to disable SuperSpinner.
  • Factor 7 starts 'Double Spinner' which double the amount per spin thatball.
  • During Cardassian multiball, the spinner raises shield power, and thus thejackpot value.
  • During Borg multiball (newer ROMs only), the spinner relights the jackpotat Start Mission.
  • During Worm Hole, the spinner adds 1 million per spin to the value.
  • During Rescue, the spinner adds a person each spin.

High Score Tables

There has been much discussion regarding the high score tables. I havecollected all info and dumped it here!

There are 4 high score tables:

Grand Champion 0 or 1 Buy-Ins
Honor Roll 0 or 1 Buy-Ins
Officer's Club More than 1 Buy-In
Q Continuum Score of 10 Billion or more (Any Number Of Buy-Ins)

Note: Prototype ROMs only have the Honor Roll for any number of buy-ins

Star Trek Slot Machine Medals Ranking

Rules for high score tables [L-x ROMs only]:

  • If your score beats the Grand Champion score, and you bought in one or fewertimes, you get the Grand Champion score and nothing else. When you beat theGC, the old score is bumped onto another high score table as appropriate; ifit qualifies for Q's Continuum it goes there, otherwise it goes on the HonorRoll.
  • If your score is better than the #4 Q's Continuum score (but not the GC), you geton that. Buy-ins don't matter.
  • If none of the above, your score is checked against the Honor Roll OROfficer's Club lists, depending on the number of buy-ins. One or fewergoes on the Honor Roll, more than one goes on the Officer's Club.Only if your score is high enough to make the lists, of course.

A major bug with the high score table: it seems that the Q's Continuum list isthe only one capable of handling scores over 1OB. For example, a local STTNGhas a Grand Champ score of 18 billion. During the game, at the ball 3 display,it reads 'Highest Score 18,....' but on the actual table it reads 'GrandChampion 8,....' Lord knows why.

Also, scores that don't make the Q's Continuum list, but which are still higherthan 1OB, seem to be ignored entirely, or are compared with the other listswith the leading digit removed.

Proximity Switches

Proximity switches work via an induction coil -- the same thing your localtraffic light uses to sense cars at an intersection. Any metallic object thatpasses through the coil's field changes the resistance of the field. Thesensor's circuitry detects these resistance changes and uses them to close/open a switch on the switch matrix.

Twilight Zone used the first proximity switches which had hard-wired coilsinlaid directly onto the pc board. The whole board was then mounted whereit could detect the balls (under the right trough switch and on the maintunnel just above the slot kickout). This worked very well, but thesensitivity was not adjustable and ball vibrations tended to damage thepc-boards.

Star Trek uses a different board called the Proximity Sensor III. (Whatwas I or II ?). This uses a detached sensor which for TNG is mounted justinboard of the two inlays on the inlanes, right in the corners of theslingshots under the guns. They are mounted in holes drilled from the bottomand rest just under the surface of the playfield. The pc boards have variableresistors on them to allow you to adjust the sensitivity -- all the way fromno sense to always on!


Get good at saving. As I've stated many times, the outlanes are terrible.If the ball decides it's going to outlane drain, you have little hope ofchanging its mind. - Many people have mailed me saying things like 'justnudge the machine and the ball will move away from the area so it's not asbad as you make it sound.' Isn't this saving?

Bang Backs were not possible on Indiana Jones because of the way the drainarea was constructed - STTNG is the same, so I doubt Bang backs will work.

Death Saves are possible but hard, as the machine is really heavy. I'veseen people death save a lot and I can do it semi-regularly, but it oftenuses a lot of tilt warnings (my machine is set to 5). It seems that the legsare thicker than the old type because of the weight of the machine. If youare going to Death Save .. wear heavy shoes.

Sometimes I've found that the ball falls out of the Borg Ship during aDeath Save . This is especially good ifthe Death Save didn't work, as you get another ball to play with. Themachine realises what has happened, and copes beautifully - It knows thatthere is an extra ball in play, and won't start the bonus count.

Extra Balls

Extra balls can be earned the following ways:

  • Warp Factor Eight (First time through warps only)
  • 10x Multiplier
  • Light (or collect) Extra Ball from Skill Shot
  • Light (or collect) Extra Ball from Launch Probe
  • 15 Shuttle Ramps
  • Level Six of Battle Simulation [See note below]
  • Shuttle Simulation: L-L-R-R-L-L-R-L-L-L-. (L=Left, R=Right). {This maynot be true on all ROMs}. [See note below]
  • You can buy them. The default is for three buy-ins; settings range from1, 2, 3, unlimited.

Note: You cannot always get extra balls from Shuttle Simulation and BattleSimulation. It seems that if you are doing well, Battle Simulation stopsafter level 5 (regardless of how much time is left); and the EB in ShuttleSimulation becomes a 10 million. It would, therefore, be worth while goingfor these two EBs as early as possible. Just to ad ANOTHER kink in thisspaghetti rule sheet ... Richard Horrocks claims that a lot of machines he'splayed will award these EB with a good score, and after a lot of other EBs.Go figure.

Easter Eggs

Some Easter Eggs, bugs and other cool things:

  • Poker with Riker: In the Holodeck when you are presented with the choiceof 25 million or Shuttle Simulation, hold in the trigger and press theright flipper button to play poker with Riker.
  • Frozen Timers - When you have Hurry Up and Factor 9 mode running at thesame time, the timers will stop. This is really nice if you start hurryup when factor 9 is already running, as the 50 million doesn't countdown. When you finish factor 9 mode, or collect the hurry up, everythingstarts up again. This is fixed in new ROMs - damm damm dammmm.
  • High Q: Q's Challenge continues to run during multiball, but the shotsdon't time out. Start multiball when Start Mission is a Q Shot, andyou'll end up with an obscene Q score.
  • Secret Mission: When the right ramp lights a holodeck, the display says'Holodeck x ready'. When x is 3, pull the trigger three times. It's a20 second frenzy where every target is worth a weird number of points,and every target causes the communicator sound - very cool.
  • Asteroid Threat: If you get Start Mission just as the asteroid isblowing up, you get credit for it in the get-all-seven-shots part, butthe shot remains lit.
  • Secret Video Mode: The manual talks about a secret video mode, I doubtthis is Poker; chances are it's brick-out - I saw brick-out on thedisplay once during attract mode. There are 2 settings regarding this inthe menus, so it must be a big thing.

    This is what the manual says about it:

    A.2 14 Video Mode On
    This determines whether or not the hidden video mode is
    available to players.
    Settings: ON = Hidden Video Mode is available (*)
    OFF = Hidden Video Mode is NOT available

    A.2 15 Video Mode Attract
    This determines whether or not the hidden video mode, (if
    available to players) is part of the attract mode.
    Settings: ON = Hidden Video Mode is part of Attract Mode
    OFF = Hidden Video Mode isn't part of Attract Mode (*)

    (*) = Factory Setting

    To get this secret video mode, on the first ball hit a flipper xnumber of times and choose light lock. Then on the second ball, hit aflipper y number of times and choose light lock. Then on the third ball,hit a flipper z number of times and choose light holodeck. This is allfact, although the exact values of x, y and z are unknown; as arewhich flippers to hit.

  • When the first ball is locked, we get a message from Admiral Biagie,well this is from Carl Biagie who's name is listed on the inlanes.
  • Hidden Image (that appears in the game): When the ball goes in theAdvance Rank / Command Decision hole when nothing is lit, pull thetrigger to see a limo drive past some buildings. It's a nice picture...This picture can also be seen at the start of multiball; fire the firstshot, miss the second, then hit both flippers. There are probably plentymore occurrences...
  • Hidden Images (that don't appear in the game): Hidden in the depths ofthe ROMs are a few pictures that seem to just take up space:Borg doing 'kinky' things (Borg with a very nice young lady...)SPD (?)
  • Steve Ritchie's Easter Egg: To see the logo's of all of Steve Ritchie'spast games, enter this combination during a game, or in attract mode:
    [R = Right flipper, L = Left flipper, B = Both]Letter-wise it spell A HEEF .. but it probably means 8/5/56. Now becauseit American I assume it means 5 August 1956; but I think rain is wet sowho am I to judge...

Attract Mode Stuff

  • Flipper Buttons: Yield the doorbell sound, followed by Picard's 'Come!'
  • Start with no credits: A cool phaser sound.
  • Trigger: Another cool phaser sound!

When the game is idle for a while, a game of Brick Out will be played on thedisplay. This is an example of the legendary Secret Video Mode, there is no wayfor a player to effect this.

Misc Things

After a good multiball (a triple jackpot or 2), during the match sequencePicard says, 'Captains log, supplemental. The crew have performed admirablyin dispatching the Borg threat'

Tilt Quotes: One of three:

  • Q, 'Someday you'll learn to play pinball.'
  • Worf, 'You are without honor.'
  • Borg, 'Pinball is irrelevant.'

If you're not doing well, then at the start of your third ball, Picard willwhisper 'Good Luck!'.

Mysterious Quote: In the sound test, there is a sample where Troi says, 'Ibelieve they have evil intentions.' The first person to find this quotein the game will get a lollypop from me!

Flipper bonus: At anytime during play if you hear Data say, 'Had youpropelled the ball along the proper trajectory, you would have beenrewarded'; press both flippers and Picard will interrupt with 'Thankyou Mr. Data', and you will be awarded 10 million. This happens duringregular game-play and Fun With Bonus.

Totals: 1 Million per mission
1 million per warp factor (eg: factor 5 gets 5 million)
Associated value for your rank (see Ranks).

Once again, this is different for newer ROMs (why can't they just stickwith LA-1 and just fix bugs? It would make my life easier.) Newer ROMsalso take into account the fact that you start at factor 1 after warp 9.For example, if you start at Warp 1, go all the way through 9.9, and endup at Warp 5 again (due to the reset at 9.9), you get 22M (9M for gettingto Warp 9, 9M more for the nine warps to 9.9, and 4M more for raising itfrom Warp 1 back to Warp 5). Basically it's 1 million for every warp shotmade that ball.

Multipliers: Completing the three lanes above the bumpers increases themultiplier, and lights Advance Rank. Multiplier goes 2x, 4x, 8x, 10xwith extra ball lit. After 10x, you get an increasing 10 million eachtime you complete the three lanes. One of these lanes can also bespotted by hitting the lit light kickback target while the kickbackis lit.

Outlane drain:
Q, 'Someday you'll learn to play pinball.' In a reallypatronizing tone!
Q, 'HAHAHAHAHA' - very cool. I laughed at this poor guy when the machinedid this to him!
Q, 'And you were doing SOOO well...'.
Q, 'Lose something?'
Q, 'What a pity..'

High Score: Worf, 'You are a honorable player.'

Start Of Game: Picard, 'Welcome to the Enterprise.' - I always expect him toadd, 'Can I take your order please?'!

Adding a new player:
Beverly, 'Welcome aboard.'
then: Riker, 'Report to the bridge.'
then: Q, 'I want to play!'

Buy-In: A bought extra ball will give you Command Decision before launching;that is you get to choose which Mission to start. The normal skill shotdoesn't happen. Buy-Ins can be set from Off, to 1, 2, 3 or unlimited - thedefault is for 3 buy-ins in new ROMs. The kickback will be lit for a boughtextra ball.


Being accurate with the Cannons
Shooting the NZ and SM accurately (from the guns, that is)... Here isJ. Abernethy's secret... Hope it helps: There are a couple of screwson the slingshots... For the left gun, wait until the metal starts to'cover' the one of the screws (I forgot which one), and then it willalways hit SM... From the right, wait until the actual GUN starts tocover the screw... Hits NZ. I can almost ALWAYS get the EB frombattle simulation... I always pick that one on Command decision...Even if I'm replaying it.

If you have a lot of time left during Battle Simulation, and the kickback isnot lit, fire the ball out of the gun into the lit kickback target. This is GREATwhen the lit target is a lower one.

Extra Ball Strategies
If the machine is in a good mood and giving out random EBs (this usuallyhappens after quite a few bad games), go for Skill Ramp at the start andyou have quite a good chance of getting extra ball lit. If you do get alit EB DON'T collect it, but shoot the Beta ramp twice more then do theShuttle Sim. Almost every time I then get the Shuttle Sim EB, and can thencollect the lit EB from Start Mission.

Misc Strategies
Go for the holodeck often. Once you get good at it, can be worth an easy209M or so, not to mention artifacts and extra balls.

Multiball can be HUGE! Go for it as much as possible. If the choice isbetween starting Final Frontier and starting Multiball, take Multiball.Chances are you will light extra ball with the multipliers and be able toplay FF as well. Then again, with FF being so high scoring on newer ROMs, youmay like to take that first.

Starting at Warp Factor 4 can be very lucrative as it makes lighting extraball (at warp 8) a lot easier. The one million-a-pop bumpers are also nice asyou can let the ball drain (ball saver) and it will be re-launched into thebumpers. This is especially nice at the start of multiball when the ballsaver is on far a beautiful length of time! Personally, I always start withwarp factor 4 as it's easy to get all the goodies from the higher warp factors.I also sometimes hold back from factor 9, mainly to make it easier to reachfactor 5 (multipliers held) which makes it easier to get to 10x and light extraball.

Shoot the right orbit. A lot. A lot. A lot. Really. This locks theball if it's lit, lights the lock if it isn't (and sometimes locks itanyway; the ball bounces off the target blocking the lock, off the top ofone of the lanes, and back up into the lock), and feeds the ball into thelanes and bumpers, which rack up millions (if you chose Warp 4), advancethe multipliers, light extra balls, build your Borg jackpot to ludicrouslevels, and generally make your life worthwhile.

Shoot the left orbit. A lot. It gives warp factors, big spinnerpoints (if you chose Warp 4), sometimes feeds the bumpers (see above), andotherwise feeds the left ramp for more warp factors and ball locks.

During multiballs, don't forget about the other nifty things you canstill be doing besides the object of the multiball; hitting the lanes andbumpers, and relighting the kickback. (Whenever the Neutral Zone is lit,make a note of which target is lit for kickback; during multiball thatlight may be off or the whole bank may be lit, but the target that was litbefore will still relight the kickback.)

Launching a probe is also good as the awards are often quite nice (extraballs or hold multipliers etc.) Although sometimes the machine would be a realbitch and light the center ramp for the probe shot.

As for the flipper skill shot, I rarely chose it, but it often gave awayspecials, and for the better players can be very awarding.

Try and go for that 10x bonus multiplier .. it multiplies the whole bonus,and if you've managed to get the multipliers to 10x, chances are you alreadyhave a nice big bonus, which can become huge!

Make sure the kickback is lit, you'll need it A LOT!

When you enter your initials, use the trigger to lock in the letters,not the start button. It looks cooler.

Finally, NEVER play doubles with Richard!

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Editor's Notes

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