- Which Online Casino Has Slots That Have High Pay Off Bill
- Which Online Casino Has Slots That Have High Pay Off Credit Cards
- Which Online Casino Has Slots That Have High Pay Off Debt
Some people might want to know how to find the payout percentage on a slot machine. Sadly, it’s not something that’s printed on most games — at least not here in the United States.
This post is for them.
Understanding this topic involves some rudimentary understanding of probability as it relates to casino gambling. You’ll need to understand three separate concepts thoroughly:
In general, online slots games have a payout percentage of around 95% and in the simplest possible terms this means that on average the game will pay out £95 for every £100 staked on it. That does not mean that every player is guaranteed £95 worth of payout if and when they stake £100 however, as the percentages are based upon a very high. The return of a slot machine is the percentage of money actually paid out vs. The amount of money paid in.If you put $100 into a machine and get $92 back, your return was 92%. If all players put $1,000,000 into a casino's machines in one week, and they collectively won $967,000, then the return was 96.7%.
- Payback percentage
- House edge
- Return to player
This post explains each of those in enough detail that even a beginner should understand what they mean.
Some Basic Facts Related to Probability, the House Edge, Payback Percentage, and Return to Player
Probability is the branch of mathematics that deals with how likely an event is to happen. If you want to measure how likely you are to win a jackpot on a slot machine, probability is the way to figure that out.
But the word also refers directly to that likelihood.
In other words, if I say the probability of getting heads when I flip a coin is 50%, I’m not talking about that branch of mathematics. I’m talking about the actual statistical likelihood of that event.
You should understand a few things about probability in general.
Probability is always a number between 0 and 1. An event with a probability of 0 will never happen, and an event with a probability of 1 will always happen. The closer to 1 the probability is, the more likely the event is to happen.
Probability can be expressed multiple ways. It can be expressed as a fraction, a decimal, a percentage, or as odds. The probability of getting heads on a coin flip can be expressed as 1/2, 0.5, 50%, or 1 to 1.
An event’s probability is the number of ways it can happen divided by the total number of possible outcomes. When you’re discussing a coin toss, you have two possible outcomes. Only one of those is heads. That makes the probability 1/2.
The probability that an event will occur added to the probability that an event won’t occur always equals 1. Therefore, if you know the probability that something will happen, you also automatically know the probability that it won’t happen, and vice versa.
The house edge is a statistical measure of how much the house expects to win (on average, over the long run) from every bet you make on a game. The house edge is a theoretical number that accounts for the probability of winning versus the probability of losing AND the payout if you win.
All casino games carry a house edge. In the short run, it doesn’t matter much, but in the long run, it’s the most important thing.
If I say a game has a house edge of 4%, this means that over time, you should average a loss of $4 for every $100 you bet on the game. This is a long run statistical average, though. In the short run, you’re unlikely to see results that mirror the house edge.
The return to player and the payback percentage are the same thing. Some writers use one to refer to the statistical expectation and the other to refer to the actual results, but most writers use these terms interchangeably.

The payback percentage added to the house edge always equals 100%. The payback percentage is the amount of each bet that you get back, and the house edge is the amount of each bet that the casino wins. Again, these numbers are on average over the long run.
A game with a 4% house edge has a 96% payback percentage.
In the United States, slot machine payback percentages are impossible to calculate and not posted on gambling machines. To calculate the house edge or the payback percentage for a casino game, you need two pieces of data:
- The probability of winning
- The amount of money you’ll win (the payoff)
Slot machines include their payouts on their pay tables, but they don’t include the probability of achieving any of the winning outcomes.
In some countries, the payback percentage is posted on the machines, but not in the United States.
To make things even worse for a slot machine player, the random number generator program can be set differently even if the slot machine is identical to the one next to it. You could be playing The Big Lebowski slots at Choctaw Casino in Durant, Oklahoma, and your buddy could be playing the identical machine right next to you.
The payback percentage on his machine might be 94%, and the payback percentage on your machine might only be 88%.
The difference comes from how the probabilities are weighted for each symbol. On one game, the bars might show up 1/4 of the time, but on the next, they might only come up 1/8 of the time.
This has an obvious effect on the payback percentage.
The payback percentage would be easy to calculate if you knew the probabilities. The payback percentage is just the total expected value of all the possible outcomes on the machine.
Let’s assume you have 1000 possible reel combinations. Let’s also assume that if you got each of those in order, from 1 to 1000, you’d win 900 coins.
The payback percentage for that game would be 90%.
You’d put 1000 coins in, and you’d have 900 coins left after a statistically perfect sampling of 1000 spins.
If you knew the payback percentage and house edge for a slot machine game, you could predict your theoretical cost of playing that game per hour in the long run. You’d only need to multiply the numbers of bets you made per hour by the size of those bets. Then you’d multiply that by the house edge to get your predicted loss.
Most slots players make 600 spins per hour. Let’s assume you’re playing on a dollar machine and betting three coins on every spin, or $3 per spin. You’re putting $1,800 per hour into action.
If the slot machine had a 90% payback percentage, you’d lose $180 per hour on that machine. You’d have $1,800 at the start of the hour and $1,620 at the end of the hour — assuming you saw statistically predicted results.
In the real world, though, where you’d be seeing short-term results, you’d see some hours where you won and some hours where you lost. If you played long enough, the Law of Large Numbers would ensure that you’d eventually see the statistically predicted results.
But in the long run, the math will ensure that the casino will win a net profit.
How You Could Calculate a Payback Percentage Based on Actual Results
Of course, you have some data that you can directly observe when you’re playing slot machines.
But tracking this data and calculating the payback percentage on a specific session can add to your enjoyment of any slot machine game. It can make you more mindful because you’ll be paying more attention to what’s happening.
Here’s how to do it.
Start by tracking how many spins you’re making per hour. This is easy to do, but it takes more effort than you might think. It might help to get one of those clicky things people use to count stuff with. You will probably also need a stopwatch of some kind. I just use the timer function on my phone.
Make a note (mental is fine) of how much you’re betting per spin. It helps to bet the same amount.
Also note how much money you started with so that you can calculate how much you’ve won or lost. The slot machine will convert your money into credits. The easiest thing to do is to keep up with how many credits you had at the beginning of the session and again at the end of the session.
Now, let’s do the math using a hypothetical 45-minute session.
I made 300 spins in 45 minutes. I was betting $3 per spin, and I started with $600.
After my playing session, I had $500 left. At times I was up, and at times I was down.
But my net loss was $100. (My starting bankroll was $600, and I finished with $500.)
Over 300 spins, that means I lost an average per spin of 33 cents. $100 in losses divided by 300 spins is 33.33 cents per spin.
How much was I betting per spin?
Since I was playing a $1 machine, and my max bet was three coins, I was risking $3 per spin.
33 cents is 11% of $3, which means my actual loss was 11%. The machine paid back 89% for the session.
Does this mean that the payback percentage for the machine is 89%?
Probably not.
In the scheme of things, 450 spins is a small sample size. To have any confidence in your statistics, you really need to have at least 5,000 spins under your belt.
Even then, depending on how volatile the game is, your actual results might be wildly different from the mathematically expected payback percentage.
Here’s another example that will prove that point.
My friend Leo went to the Winstar last weekend and played the $5 slots. He started with $3,000, and when he left, he had $4,800, which means he had an $1,800 profit for the day.
He played for seven hours.
I’ve watched Leo play. He’s slow, but not much slower than average. He makes about 500 spins per hour.
This means that he made about 3,500 spins.
$1,800 in winnings divided by 3,500 spins is an average win of 51 cents per spin.
Since he was betting $5 per spin, his return was 10.3%.
His actual return for the trip on that slot machine was 110.3%.
I have friends who design slot machines for a living — more than one, in fact. They’ll be happy to tell anyone who asks that the algorithm is never set up to have a payback percentage of more than 100%.
What About the Casinos That Advertise a Specific Payback Percentage?
Some casinos advertise a specific payback percentage. This is almost always stated as an “up to” number.
So you might see an ad for a casino that says, “Payback percentages up to 98%!”
They’re almost certainly telling the truth, too. They probably have one slot machine in their casino that has a payback percentage of 98%. Of course, it isn’t labeled, so you don’t know which one it is.
And in the short run, which is what you’re going to be playing in as an individual gambler, there’s not much difference between a 98% payback percentage and a 92% payback percentage. You could walk away a winner or a loser at either setting.
Also, keep in mind that the games aren’t designed to tighten up after a win and loosen up after a lot of losing spins. That’s not how it works at all.
The machines are designed to allow you to win a certain specific percentage of the time because of the probability. Then there’s an average amount that you’ll win based on the payout for the specific combination of symbols that you hit.
But every spin of the reels on a slot machine is an independent event. You can hit a jackpot on a spin, and your probability of hitting the jackpot on the next spin hasn’t changed at all.
What About the Denominations and Location Reports I See Advertised on the Internet?
You’ll find websites like Strictly Slots and American Casino Guide which post payback percentages for specific denominations and specific casinos. These are AVERAGES.
These averages have little bearing on the machine that you’re sitting in front of.
For example,
you might be looking at a casino that reports an average payback percentage of 94% on its dollar slot machines. That casino might have half their machines paying off at 90% and the other half paying off at 98%.
And you won’t be able to differentiate between the two because the hit ratio might be the same from one of those machines to another.
What Do Hit Ratio and Volatility Have to Do With It?
The hit ratio is the percentage of time that you can expect to hit a winning combination on a slot machine. Something like 30% isn’t unusual, but it can vary 10% or more in either direction. The casinos want you to a hit a winning combination often enough that you won’t lose interest in playing the game.
But hit ratio is only part of the equation. The average size of the prize amounts is also important. Volatility takes this into account. A game that hits less often but has higher average prize amounts might have the same payback percentage as a game that hits more often but with lower payouts.
Either way, in the short run, it will be all but impossible to discover this number, too.
If you wanted to, you could track how many spins resulted in wins for you and calculate the percentage, but you’re facing the same obstacle you are with the overall payback percentage of the machine.
You just don’t know what it’s programmed to accomplish in the long run.
Online Slot Machines
Some online casinos post the payback percentages for their slot machine games. I think this information is of limited use, but I also think it’s fairer to the gambler than not providing them with that information.
After all, table games are transparent. You can calculate the house edge for any casino table game there is because they all use random number generators with known quantities — cards, dice, and wheels.
There’s been a push to label food, both at the grocery store and at restaurants, with nutritional information that includes caloric amounts.
Requiring casinos to provide similar information about their gambling machines only makes sense.
We’ll see if it ever happens, though.
You can’t find the payout percentage on a slot machine — at least not in the United States.
I’ve heard that you can get this information on slot machines in Europe, but I’ve never seen an actual photograph of this kind of labeling.
You can, though, have some fun calculating actual payback percentages in the short run. This at least gives you something to keep track of while you’re playing slots, which is honestly one of the more mindless activities in the casino.
Playing slots in Atlantic City is a thrill. There’s nothing like hitting a big winner, hearing the buzzer go off and driving home with a fatter wallet in your pocket.
However, it’s not always feasible to drive to America’s Playground. Life can get in the way.
Fortunately, that doesn’t mean you have to stop playing your favorite slot machine games. NewJersey is home to nearly two dozen online casinos, and all of them have several great slot titles available.
In fact, you can find versions of some of your favorite slot machines online.
So, here’s a handy guide that will both help you find your preferred games and, when you want to explore, pick new ones to try.
As it turns out, playing on a slot machine is not just about pulling a lever or pressing a button. Well — it’s mostly that, but not entirely so.
Online casinos with Atlantic City slots
Home to 22 online casinos, New Jersey is one of the most well-established online casino markets in the US.
Players in the Garden State have been able to access games with their mobile devices since 2013.
Naturally, every single one of the online casinos in NJ offers slot titles.
While some of these games are unique to online play, and sometimes the online casino itself, many of the games are either versions of or similar to actual slot machines found in Atlantic City’s nine casino properties.
Top 5 AC slots available online
So, here are some of the best-known Atlantic City slot games that you can also find online.
Many of these games are available on multiple sites, so you don’t have to restrict yourself to any particular online casino to find your favorite game.
By no means is this list meant to be exhaustive. The range of online slot titles is staggering and far too great to list.
For instance, the Golden Nugget online casino has 644slottitles under its banner.
Most of the other online casinos in New Jersey have at least 100 games.
The list of games below, therefore, are just a few of the choices you have for Atlantic City slot titles that appear online.
1. Quick Hits – A classic from Bally
Quick Hits is a series of slot games designed by Bally and Scientific Games. The game is quite popular because of its simple action and old-school sensibilities.
In fact, Quick Hits’ games are some of the few remaining slot titles to make extensive use of reel symbols like cherries, bells, bars and 7s. Other symbols that appear on the reels are wilds and the Quick Hit, the latter of which portends bigger slot payouts.
So, players who favor Quick Hits have a decidedly retro sensibility. The game itself is a five-reel machine with 30 paylines and an RTP just over 94%.
Quick Hits also has a bonus symbol that may appear from time to time on the middle three reels. Securing this symbol on all three reels in a single spin will trigger the free spin slot bonus.
2. Siberian Storm – The original Multiway Xtra slot machine
Siberian Storm is a winter-themed game that features jewels, tundra and most prominently, tigers.
The IGT slot game is a staple in both Atlantic City and online casinos throughout New Jersey.
However, Siberian Storm’s allure is not simply its theme. Players can also win big on the game, both through its free game system and its “Multiway Xtra” feature.
The bonus system and its free games are triggered by players who manage to land five bonus symbols on their reels. The free spins begin at eight, and can potentially add up to a player receiving a whopping 240 free turns at winning.
The “Multiway Xtra” feature explodes the number of paylines up to 720. That, combined with a 94.22% RTP, makes Siberian Storm worth a look.
3. China Shores – A Konami favorite for slot players
China Shores is, as its name implies, an Asian-themed slot title that is nearly ubiquitous in both online and land-based casinos.
The panda mascot is recognizable from across the room, and the game’s higher-than-average RTP keeps players loyal.
One of the signature features of China Shores is its free spins bonus. Like many slot games, players who manage to scatter three or more bonus symbols — in this case, yin-yangs — across the reels will result in the player winning at least eight free turns.
The difference is that players will have a choice between taking the free spins and selecting an option known as the credit prize.
The creditprize is a range of guaranteed wins that players can choose if they don’t want to take the free spins. The prize can end up being either a better or worse deal than if the player had simply spun, but the idea of locking up a secure win is quite attractive.
The Konami game features 30 paylines, five reels and an RTP of 96.1%. So, in general, your slot dollars will go longer at China Shores than most other machines.
4. Lucky Larry’s Lobstermania – Follow Larry in versions 1, 2 and 3
Atlantic City is a coastal town, so it makes sense to play a slot game that evokes the feeling of being out on the water. Lucky Larry’s Lobstermania (and its variants) does exactly that.
Lucky Larry’s is a popular creation from game developer IGT. It features the game’s namesake attempting to collect treasure as he explores lighthouses and fishes for lobsters in locales around the world.
One of the most notable features of Lucky Larry’s is its animation, which is brightly colored and reminds players of SpongeBob SquarePants. However, what keeps players coming back is the potential for big wins.
Lucky Larry’s Lobstermania is a five-reel game with 40 paylines. Players can win opportunities for multiple bonuses, free spins, and multipliers while they play this 94.14% RTP title.
Which Online Casino Has Slots That Have High Pay Off Bill
5. Wheel of Fortune – A staple in any online casino
Wheel of Fortune is a marquee title, no matter where you’re playing.
The slot machine version of the long-running game show, a product of powerhouse developer IGT, continues to draw crowds wherever it is.
Part of the game’s lasting appeal is its signature bonus, which features the eponymous wheel itself. Players spend multiple games in an attempt to trigger this famous bonus, which pays out every time and can potentially result in a jackpot for the player.
There are so many iterations of Wheel of Fortune, both online and live, that it would be impossible to detail how each one works. However, no matter which version you play, it is always a good thing when the game chants “Wheel of Fortune” at you.
The different versions of Wheel of Fortune bear a wide range of RTPs and paylines. However, they are usually five-reeled games and will always return 94% or better for every person who plays.
What does RTP mean?
By now, if you’ve read this far, you’ve seen the acronym RTP.
If you’re unfamiliar with slot machines or have never given them much thought beyond pulling the lever (a reasonable position to take), you may be wondering what RTP is, and why it matters.
RTP is short for return to player. Simply put, it’s the percentage of money that a player can expect to get back from a slot machine in the long run.
Believe it or not, despite their reputation as “one-armed bandits,” slot machines are designed to not keep most of the money that they receive as wagers.
You can usually find the RTP information of any slot machine you play by either looking around the machine or asking a customer service representative. In fact, some machines even use their high RTPs as a selling point.
Of course, the RTP figure that you receive is the theoretical RTP. In other words, it’s the return that you would receive if you had an infinite amount of money and time to play.
In the short run, your actual return can and does vary wildly. Many times, you receive nothing in return. However, we all play for those times that the return goes over 100%.
Atlantic City slot machine payouts
As it turns out, New Jersey regulates the minimum RTP that a slot machine can produce. By regulation, no slot device in the Garden State can return less than 83% of its wagers.
Furthermore, operators are limited in how much they can reward players for betting higher. In other words, low-limit players cannot be penalized for their play by more than 100th of a percentage point unless the game itself has a low drop in RTP.
Atlantic City slots vs. online slots
Of course, both Atlantic City and online slot games in New Jersey must abide by this same regulation. However, the difference between the two is the ease of gaining information.
Most online slot games have their RTPs front and center in the information they provide. A simple click can reveal not only the player’s expected return but also the maximum bet level and the maximumwin possible.
This transparency means that online slots cannot afford to have many games approaching the legal limit for RTP. The power of competition yields a situation where it’s a challenge to find an online slot with an RTP below 94%.
Atlantic City slots have a bit more leeway in terms of competitive pressures. It’s just not as easy to change one’s game or casino so that you might see lower RTPs here and there. In general, AC casinos have average RTPs that hover between 91.5%-92.5%.
Regardless of whether you’re playing live or online, you should generally gravitate toward games with a higher RTP. Otherwise, you’re giving up extra percentage points to the house. Trust us; they have plenty of those already.
Can I earn comps at AC casinos for playing online?
Yes, but it varies from casino to casino. Some online casinos in New Jersey have loyalty programs that allow you a direct or indirect route to perks at Atlantic City properties.
For instance, Golden Nugget players are automatically enrolled in the site’s Ultimate Rewards program when they register. Players receive perks and benefits based upon their level of play.
Should a player earn 5,000 Golden Points, he or she becomes a member of Golden Nugget’s VIP Rewards Club. One of the benefits of the club is complimentary perks at Golden Nugget Atlantic City, so playing online can certainly turn into real-life amenities.
Similarly, Tropicana online has its online VIP loyalty program.
Though the program is reserved for high-wagering, high-volume players, it is possible to receive comped getaways to the hotel in Atlantic City, tickets to major events, and luxury dining experiences as a result of your play.
However, the path to comps is not always as clear at every online casino. For example, players at Borgata online can earn iRewards Points from their play. Still, unless they convert these to Express Comps, there’s no direct connection to any of Borgata or MGM’s amenities through its online casino loyalty program.
Some casinos are even more segregated.
Instead of involving real-world components, they simply award cash back to players for achieving certain levels of play.
Which Online Casino Has Slots That Have High Pay Off Credit Cards
There are even some online casinos in New Jersey who eschew loyalty programs and comps altogether. They choose to serve their customers in other ways.
If receiving comps for your play is a big deal to you, you will need to shop around New Jersey’s various online casinos.
The most important thing is to find a scheme that is right for you and makes you comfortable.
Which Online Casino Has Slots That Have High Pay Off Debt
In conclusion, we are blessed to live in an era where it’s not always necessary to travel to play our favorite slot games. Thanks to the online casinos in New Jersey, Atlantic City aficionados can choose between thousands of games from the comfort of their homes.